Today, my son is 2 weeks and 1 day old and he is doing great! We've already gone to the doctors 4 times within those 2 weeks and he is perfectly healthy and happy as can be! Yesterday he had his first physical and the doctor said the only thing we need to change is dirty diapers and dirty clothes. That's a sign that everything is going well and we should keep up the good work. God is good and He has blessed me with a wonderful healthy baby boy, I couldn't be happier!
Let me just talk about how he is overall. First and foremost, my lil man is fully alert and you could find his picture in the dictionary under the word "calm." Yeah he can get a little fussy sometimes but for the most part he is a wonderful baby. He had his first real bath the other night and he absolutely loved it! He stretched his legs out straight, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the royalty hahaha! He sleeps very well and I can tell, that he can tell, that he is loved. He looks around observing the world, taking in new colors and shapes. Listening to new sounds and soaking up all the new things around him. He is blessed and will be very smart at an early age. I love my lil soldier and I will teach him to be all that he can be :)
With that being said, I am very grateful for the way my life is going right now. I am very blessed and I will not take anything for granted. I will continue to keep raising my son the way I have because I already see success in his eyes. I would bend over backwards for him and give him my last because he deserves everything first. My son is special, a gift from above and I will ALWAYS be here for him. I give praise and thanks to the Man upstairs because it is Him that made all of this come to past!
I love you son, Daddy is proud of you!
Your off to a great start!
Proud of you guys and soooo happy for you all as well ;p
He is doing so great because he has the best daddy to learn from. Love you!