Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Month & Five Days...

My son is a month and 5 days today!  I cannot believe how fast time is flying by already.  Just watching him grow over this last month has been amazing.  I feel that he is advanced for his age because he continues to amaze me day after day. He is trying so hard to hold his head up already and honestly, he is almost there.  It will just be a matter of time, I can feel it!

I want this blog to last forever so when he gets older, he can read what his Father has been writing about him over the years.  As a baby, he will not be able to remember these special moments that we have taken in and experienced.  So, with my blog and a few other things that we have been doing and creating, it will be like reliving his past through Mommy and Daddy's eyes!

For all the new parents out there or even parents with younger kids, do the keepsake stuff! Take pictures, create scrapbooks, write letters to your child, be creative with it because time flies and they grow up so fast. Just thought I would share with you all how wonderful my lil guy is doing.  I haven't put a pic of him up yet, so I thought I would share my world with everyone, so here is my lil soldier!

He is doing great! He is loved, blessed and definitely a gift from above.  I love you son, keep up the good work!



1 comment:

  1. this is wonderful! we love spending time with him huh? hes amazing and does so many hilarious things! i love you and your posts! keep writing boo!
